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How to deploy Ethereum token on Manta

Deploy the contract of ERC20 Token on Ethereum to Manta Pacific


If you want to deploy Ethereum Token on Manta Pacific, it's recommended to contact the Manta Team to deploy the token contract. Canonical Bridge only supports Ethereum’s ERC20 Token, If the token is from another chain/protocol, please consider using a third-party bridge.

Repo Link: standard-bridge-custom-token


The Canonical Bridge does not support fee on transfer tokens or rebasing tokens because these types of tokens may cause bridge accounting errors.

Steps to Deploy Token

  1. cd ./standard-bridge-custom-token

  2. Add .env file

  3. Add new token in config.js, no need to fill l2TokenAddress

    tokenSymbol: {
    name: "Token Name",
    symbol: "Symbol",
    decimals: 18,
    l1TokenAddress: "Token Address on Ethereum",
    l2TokenAddress: "",
  4. Update .env file, and update DEPLOY_TOKEN_NAME=tokenSymbol

  5. Deploy Contract

    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network manta-mainnet
  6. Update l2TokenAddress in console to config.js

  7. Submit PR